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EquIncontro Excursions

In the heart of the Lazio Volcano

The Castelli Romani Natural Park,   a few steps from a large city like Rome, offers numerous and important sites of natural and cultural interest that make excursions full of interesting ideas ....

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EquIncontro Escursioni

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the natural landscape

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... cosa darei per vedere i pratoni con
Introdurre le persone nella Natura e' gr
I nostri visi gioiosi oggi all' ombra de
Flora Fauna Paesaggi
Una sosta meritata _3.jpg

Walking in nature is a beneficial and regenerating experience . 

Can become a real therapy to rebalance our psychophysical state.

EquIncontro Natura excursions are an opportunity to experience contact with the plant and animal world, favoring the deepening of naturalistic aspects, in a jovial and relational context between the participants.















Our walks are rarely physically demanding, precisely because the spirit is not so much the reaching the top, but  enjoying the path. -136bad5cf58d_


And how we do not like to structure and frame our activities with horses, dwelling more on the experience itself than on objectives particular,  _cc781905-5cde-3194_bad5-bb3ballo in the same way, although clearly having the intention to walk a certain path, in a certain amount of time, it may happen that you decide to stop more in particular places or slightly change timing and paths depending on what the circumstances offer us, always in agreement with the participants in the experience . 









The area of the Regional Park of the Castelli Romani, offers numerous points of naturalistic interest, hosting within it remarkable sites of community interest in which different habitats are represented: from the mixed wood to a prevalence of oaks and hornbeams, such as the wonderful Bosco del Cerquone , ai castagneti, which cover abundantly the slopes of the Lazio volcano with ancient specimens; _cc781905 -5cde-3194-baddcc5-136bustdcc5-136bust5-136bust5-3194_badc5 the volcanic lakes of Nemi and Albano, in the Doganella marsh , a poorly represented habitat at hilly altitudes in our region;   with crests reaching 1000 meters above sea level with the Maschio delle Faete , the highest peak high of the Lazio volcano, at the renowned prairies of the Pratoni del Vivaro , which in spring are covered with daffodils and d orchids offering spectacles of rare beauty . 


Beautiful blooms of snowdrops in winter, pulmonaria, anemones and buttercups in spring, and wonderful peonies, quite localized in the area. Monumental trees guard the woods and even when they fall to the ground, they continue to offer a suggestive sight providing shelter and food for a vast community of animal and plant species.


















Insects of numerous kinds populate the various natural environments; from the colorful butterflies to the very important saproxylic beetles that feed on dead wood,   contributing to its decomposition and to the re-circulation of imported nutritional elements. For lovers of macro photography, fun is guaranteed! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Regarding the avifauna, birds of prey such as buzzards  e kestrels animate the skies during the excursions and with a little luck it is also possible to admire bianconi and peregrine falcons , especially close to the ridges of the lakes, where these last elegant falcons nest. Numerous small birds among which the green woodpecker , easily recognizable thanks to the his "laugh" _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b -136bad5cf58d their presence with a characteristic shrill cry, cuckoos and hoopoes . E then goldfinches, serin finches , tit, redstart _cc781905-5cde -3194- bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ed nightingales . On night excursions it is easy to hear i nocturnal birds of prey:  _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b - 136bad5cf58d_ long-eared owls , owls , owls and owls their evocative references.


The Pantani della Doganella , a few hundred meters from the EquIncontro site, are home to numerous species of amphibians; wineskin with Dalmatian frogs , tree frogs and toads that return every year to reproduce in the marsh, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the crested newt   finds in this now rare area of community interest of reproduction in our region. It is rarely possible to see the crested newt and its colleague più comune, dotted newt , as they love to live at the bottom of the pools. Observing eggs and tadpoles but also adults of frogs and toads in this area, in the spring period is instead a show that is anything but infrequent: hundreds of Dalmatian frog eggs and sinuous cords of toad eggs, in their respective gelatinous "shirts", the presence of these amphibians in the protected area has been subject to study and census by the scientific community, which has been monitoring  for several years. 136bad5cf58d_


Among the reptiles, always difficult to meet during excursions because particularly sensitive to the vibrations caused by the trampling of large groups, the sand snake , the thunderbolt, the natrice , the common viper but also the luscengola _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and the green lizard .



















Mammals, as nocturnal animals, are difficult to observe and are often found only through their tracks. Several species of bat ply the night skies and during the evening hikes, their shrill cries join the singing of the nocturnal birds of prey. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ sometimes it happens to glimpse a fox  o the evolutions of a squirrel on the branches. In the Bosco del Cerquone, very close to our pasture,   various nest boxes were placed by the park staff where the dormice , graceful rodents of the dormouse family, hibernate . The quills of the porcupine are frequent finds during our walks and among the barbed wires that delimit the fields, often_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ you can find tufts of badger or wild boar hair. Only for  a few for now, the privilege of observing  the wolf , an increasingly frequent visitor to our areas.







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