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Bambini e Cavalli

Children and Horses

 the experiences that make you grow

 We are inclined by our nature to compare everything  which surrounds us, using the add-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_experiences world we live in. This now automatic mechanism allows us to enrich our wealth of knowledge and from childhood, it lays the foundations to interpret and build our reality.


The encounter with diversity is an important opportunity to know ourselves precisely because in part, we understand what we are when we are confronted with what we are not.

When the encounter with other living beings  takes place with respect and attention, with an attitude of listening, without prevarication and imposition, the path of mutual knowledge represents a journey, not only to the discovery of other but also of ourselves.


The receptivity, the lack of consolidated superstructures typical of the adult  and the spontaneity of children, combined with a right approach to diversity, subjectivity and animal peculiarities, is a unique alchemy. It allows to generate from the child-horse encounter and from their entering into a relationship, an important contribution for both:  una more defined  self-awareness in the child; _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the possibility of one interaction more_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b-136bad5cf58d-3194-bb58b_autent5cf58d_c


Another very important outcome of this meeting and of the focus on the relationship is a training in recognition and respect for the other, which goes far beyond the human-animal dynamics and predisposes the child to listening and empathic and non-violent interaction with other people. .


Introduce children and young people  into the world of the horse and let them experience a healthy interaction, respecting its equine "culture", without imposing the human point of view on the horse, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ taking responsibility for communication,   means creating or consolidating the foundations for a culture of peace and directing the little ones towards a conscious adulthood, in which the relationship is the key the fulcrum for interaction with other beings and  diversity, un important stimulus to better understand oneself and the other.


... pratichiamo gentilezza a casaccio e
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